- Increase public awareness and community organizing around gender apartheid in Afghanistan and the human rights violations of Afghan women and girls.
- Amplify the voices and stories of Afghan women and girls in their fight for equal rights.
- Urge the U.S., the U.N., and the international community not to recognize the Taliban as Afghanistan’s legitimate government. Currently, no country recognizes the Taliban.
- Work towards increasing access to food, healthcare and education to ensure that women and girls do not succumb to humanitarian crises or face exclusion from public life. Given recent droughts, harsh winter, massive unemployment and a sharp decrease in international aid due to the Taliban takeover, more humanitarian aid is needed.
- Report on the violations of human rights and Taliban atrocities in Afghanistan.
- Work with women’s rights and human rights organizations globally in the quest to restore Afghan women’s rights.
- Assist and influence public policy research and strategy development to help stop gender apartheid.
The Feminist Majority Foundation campaign for Afghan women and girls has four major components:
- Public education and community organizing;
- Public policy research and strategy development;;
- National and global outreach; and
- Supporting humanitarian aid to Afghanistan, especially for programs serving Afghan women and girls.